For a very long time now there has been a slight growth on the back of my left ear. For the past couple of months I have had this desire to rid myself of it once and for all, but never quite got up the gumption to go through with it. Yesterday, as I was preparing to descend the stairs to my abode, I grabbed the sharpest knife I could from the kitchen, a little plastic cup full of cotton balls, a bottle of isopropyl alcohol, a glass of ice cubes, and a bunch of band-aids.
Sitting on my bed I rubbed an ice cube back and forth over the back of my ear. Eventually I came to the conclusion that it was probably just hardened skin, and didn't have all that many nerves in it anyway. I grabbed knife, cotton, and alcohol, and walked to the basement bathroom.
Before I walked in I wisely stripped down to my skivvies. I remembered that a) head wounds bleed profusely, and b) I don't like blood on my clothes. Staring in the mirror I bent my ear and awkwardly positioned the knife. As you can see by the picture of the aftermath below, it was not a small one.

As you can see, I have the tiniest bathroom. Also: yes, that is a lot of blood.
I'd just like to make it clear that I sterilized the knife and the area I was about to cut. Just making that clear.
In spite of the fact that it was the sharpest knife I could find, it was surprisingly dull. I made an incision but only ended up making a slight cut in the skin. With the state of the blade as it was, I actually had to make a sort of sawing motion, moving both my ear and the knife back and forth against each other.
Finally I was able to remove most of said growth. I then set it aside and got to staunching the wound. It bled and it bled and it bled. I alternated between soaking up the blood with alcohol-dampened cotton balls and rubbing ice over it. And still it continued to bleed.
Eventually I got sick of my own blood getting everywhere and but a band-aid over it. The blood still leaked out, but eventually it managed to clot a little, so that was good.
I cleaned up the sink, put some clothes on, Skyped a friend. After a while I got to removing the bandage (and the scab that had grown) and it started bleeding again. So I grabbed more cotton and soaked up more blood and finally put on another band-aid.
This morning all is well. I actually don't think it's infected, and it doesn't really hurt at all. Life is good.
In spite of the fact that it was the sharpest knife I could find, it was surprisingly dull. I made an incision but only ended up making a slight cut in the skin. With the state of the blade as it was, I actually had to make a sort of sawing motion, moving both my ear and the knife back and forth against each other.
Finally I was able to remove most of said growth. I then set it aside and got to staunching the wound. It bled and it bled and it bled. I alternated between soaking up the blood with alcohol-dampened cotton balls and rubbing ice over it. And still it continued to bleed.
Eventually I got sick of my own blood getting everywhere and but a band-aid over it. The blood still leaked out, but eventually it managed to clot a little, so that was good.
I cleaned up the sink, put some clothes on, Skyped a friend. After a while I got to removing the bandage (and the scab that had grown) and it started bleeding again. So I grabbed more cotton and soaked up more blood and finally put on another band-aid.
This morning all is well. I actually don't think it's infected, and it doesn't really hurt at all. Life is good.
This post was brought to you by the words "gumption" and "skivvies."
ReplyDeleteWhat's really kind of weird, though, is how throughout the day I kept having the sensation that my warm blood was trickling down the back of my ear. It totally wasn't, though!
Ha! I was posting in stupid Pacific Time for some reason, but now I'm not!
ReplyDeleteNow you will all know how late on Monday and Thursday nights I write these.
evan that is kind of too much but i believe you did it. you could've come here and gotten it done by me. muhahaha.
ReplyDeleteEv, I gotta hand it to you. That took guts! I hope your ear is doing ok. Please let Anh have a look at it.