Thursday, July 1, 2010

This Post is Ego"list"ical (and its Title isn't Funny)

Good news, everyone, this italicized text is a Futurama reference! Also: my mom is here. That being said most of the family came over, and after I sat reading in a crowded room with them, I fell asleep.

I have just stumbled down here and thrown myself onto my wondrous double bed. It's opening my laptop that reminded me: This is a Thursday.

So now I lie here, fingers on keys, typing and trying to think of what to write about.

These Are Eleven Things About Me That Some People Know And That Others Do Not

Number One. When I write, I like it to be in ten point dark blue Garamond; I am writing in it right now. As an addendum to this point, I also
prefer to write out my numbers, especially when writing dates.

Number Two. I eat cough drops like they are candy. I asked my mom to bring me back Halls from Thailand, and I have dozens of packs down here in the basement now. Hopefully I can make them last.

Number Three. Gordon Brown and I have been talking about concepts for video games, and I have been writing them down. Some of these are (in my opinion) seriously good, and I hope to one day flesh them out enough to present to a video game studio.

Number Four. Most of you know this, but I have been waiting for the game StarCraft II since they announced it in May of Two-thousand Seven. I spend far too much time keeping up to date on the minutest tidbit of news released on it. If it wasn't coming out at the end of this month, I don't know what I would do with myself.

Number Five. There are times when I do not write with contractions. I attribute this to webcomics. Faye of Questionable Content made this a habit, once upon a time, and many webcomic artists often lapse into writing like this for comic effect.

Number Six. I read a lot of webcomics. Some of the bookmarks on Chrome (my browser of choice) are set up from Sunday to Saturday. Each folder, when pulled down, reveals all the comics to update on that particular day. Thursday's folder contains fifteen; Monday's contains twenty-six.

Number Seven. The Last Airbender came out today, and I'm almost sad at how terrible it is. I really do have a lot of respect for Shyamalan, and to see internet critics the world over simultaneously weeping and laughing makes me feel sorry for the guy.

Number Eight. I use woman's deodorant. For this one Christmas party thing a girl received some Nivea roll-on deodorant, and she gave it to me as a joke. I started using it and haven't stopped since.

Number Nine. When I was in high school I once had dreams of doing stand-up comedy. That was added to the list of "Occuptions I Probably Won't Attain But Wouldn't Mind Being," alongside comic artist, graphic designer, musician and/or singer, and professional eater.

Number Ten. For the past few nights I have been doing crunches and sit-ups to a cover of Katy Perry's California Gurls, ft. Snoop Dogg. You can listen to it here:

I had to go back and change the word "girls" to "gurls." Spelling is important to me, and having to change that hurt me a little inside.

Number Eleven. This list goes to eleven because I didn't want it to go to ten, and I was too lazy to push it to thirteen. I also really like the letter eleven when it's written out.


  1. I have a five-day weekend and I don't know what to do with myself. On that note, HAPPY CANADA DAY!

    If you guys leave comments regarding stuff to write about, then I will write about them. Really, just commenting in general would be pretty neat and/or swell.

  2. Canada. Fun facts about Canada that I probably don't know.

  3. Writing about that would take reseeaaarrcccchhhh.

    But sure. I'll write about Canada next Thursday, because you asked.

  4. Man, I don't know who that guy is up there.

    I sort of agree with him though, Thursday would be a great day to write a blog post about fun Canadian facts Elisa doesn't know about.

  5. Woman's deodorant for the win!

    Btw, the music video for the original Katy Perry song is probably the most over-the-top music video I've ever seen.


Write stuff down there if you have something to say.